Browsing All Posts published on »October, 2019«

Exert Influence While You’re Stuck in the Middle

October 30, 2019


Are you stuck in the middle when it comes to your job? Perhaps you supervise many, but you still answer to a few. Or maybe you frequently advise a superior who seems less competent than you. Leading from the middle is tough. But managers who influence from the middle are often in a perfect position […]

Three Fantastic Print Ads (and how to make yours more memorable)

October 28, 2019


Does your brain ever feel tired? Some days, that’s probably due to information overload. According to ad agency Red Crow Marketing, the average person living in the city 30 years ago saw up to 2,000 ad messages a day. Today, experts estimate we are exposed to over 5,000 brands per day (though research suggests only […]

How Chick-fil-A’s Customer Service Continues to Dominate

October 25, 2019


In 1995, a renegade cow painted three words on a Texas billboard: “EAT MOR CHIKIN.” From that day forward, Chick-fil-A transformed the fast-food landscape. When founder Truett Carlson began in the restaurant industry during the mid-forties, he was inspired by many customers who took chicken and wrapped it in a bun to eat. Today, Chick-Fil-A […]

5 Tips to Keep Your Design Project On Time and Under Budget

October 23, 2019


Ready to launch out with a new ad campaign but nervous about keeping the project below budget? Not all projects are smooth sailing. Sometimes things go wrong, and your expenses can spiral out of control quickly. Here are five tips to keep your next project on track and on budget: 1. Ask Questions Upfront When […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Correct Printing Resolution

October 21, 2019


Design resolution refers to the sharpness and detail of images, and print resolution is measured in DPI, or dots per inch. Quite simply, the more dots of ink that are printed per inch, the higher the resolution, sharpness, and quality you will find in an image. High-quality images are stunning, seeming to leap off the […]

How to Sell Your Brand Through Story

October 18, 2019


Have you ever been introduced to an overly chatty person? They pause briefly to learn your name, then launch into an extended monologue about their life and interests. After finally “escaping” the interlude, you realize they didn’t ask you a single question. When you meet someone like this, does it raise a red flag? This […]

How to Win Over Millennials with Effective Print Marketing

October 16, 2019


Millennials and their Gen Z siblings are the first truly digital generations, some learning to swipe a screen before they could wipe their own faces! Millennials are a particularly powerful bunch, currently holding more spending power than Baby Boomers. By 2020, this group will have a collective spending power of $1.4 trillion. What does this […]

Increase Sales Through Authentic Marketing

October 14, 2019


Authenticity is a hot word in business. Today’s consumers don’t want to be told how to think or what to do. Instead, they want businesses that inspire them, and customers are demanding greater purity and consistency in the products, messages, and values a company represents. What is Authenticity? Some define authenticity as being consistent in […]

Get Ahead at Work by Busting These Bad Habits

October 11, 2019


Work and sleep are two of the most time-consuming things we do. The average American will spend nearly 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime, so the way you approach your job can have a huge impact on your quality of being. As Annie Dillard famously said, “How we spend our days is, of course, […]

Build Rapport with Readers Using Concrete Customer Personas

October 9, 2019


What is the value of print in an increasingly paperless world? An international 2017 study revealed print brought readers greater enjoyment, deeper understanding of a product, and more willing engagement. 68% of people say they do not pay attention to online ads 57% do their best to avoid them. Conversely, 52% prefer to read product […]